Below is the code. text There are many typefaces you can use, a few of which are listed below:
You can download tahoma font for free that include light font, bold font, font review, arabic font, fonts for android and free font. Roboto font is a free sans serif typeface by Christian Robertson. Download: "roboto font.otf" (228kb) Ahoj chtěl bych se zeptat jak teď Coca Cola dává jména na plechovky,plastovky atd. co to používají za font Děkuji za odpoověď :) 1/coke-can-share-300x1742.jpg It is distinguishable from its predecessor Tahoma and the OS X user interface font Lucida Grande by its rounder letters. Segoe UI was produced by Monotype Imaging. Articles on the English Wikipedia may contain words or texts written in different languages and scripts. To be able to correctly view and edit these articles requires that you have the appropriate fonts installed and to have correctly… Roboto font is a free sans serif typeface by Christian Robertson. The family of this font has been bought over by Android under the Apache license agreement.
Making the web more beautiful, fast, and open through great typography.